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India Part 2

On the way there and back we took a really small (50ish people) plane to and from Udipur from New Dehli. It was a short flight, about 2 hours and it was fun.
After getting off the flight, we took three vans to the city. On the way there we saw cows and cool painted houses.

In the city we ate lunch at this magnificent place. Right after I took this picture I got off the bus and two young women, about my age talked to me in hindi and pointed and laughed at my hair. I waved back. For them, my cultural facilitator said, it is really odd to see a pink haired girl. Many people told me that.

This was the view from the window of our bus.
Our accommodations were really nice. You can even see the TV in the background. I was happy. They gave us bindis and malas, or the flower necklaces. They had a wonderful welcoming ceremony which consisted of drums being banged and singing

We saw monkeys!

After a nice sleep after a sleepless few days, I got dressed and faced the rain. Colorful eh?

THEN I ATE YUMMY FOOD! The white thing is called Idli and there is a sauce called Sambar for it shown below it. Food was so goooooooood.
We got ready for a wonderful opening ceremony. They gave us bindis and these bracelets made from old cloth. We blessed the tools we'd be working with and we got to play with the kids. That is when I met my friends from the village, Jumku and Sundar. Sundar means beautiful in hindi.
That lake had risen about 20ft the last time we saw it because of the wonderful monsoon.

I asked my facilitator what those white blocks were for and she said they are so that the cars don't fall off the cliff. And oh yeah, we were driving on the left side. What a trip. Notice what side our driver was positioned.

Random donkeys!

Goats and a chicken! Animals, especially cows have the right of way in India.

Me enjoying the scenery
That was a picture of the whole group at the old school. You will see pictures of the new school that free the children built at the end.

We played never have I ever. I had 3 down and one girl had negative 3
It was raining so I put my clothes outside to get washed.

The clouds were covering the mountains

Food! Wonderful guava juice, potatoes, and bread. Yum
Double mangos, naan, and dhal.
It was flooded and so beautiful

I took some fab selfies I dare say

Then we went on a nature walk! This is one of my favorite pictures.

Yet with it there was a lot of trash which was upsetting but empowering.

Trash again
The water buffalo were chilling

Trees were incredible
so were mountains
And check out that spider web

There was a rad bug. Speaking of which I saw a beetle as big as my hand and with fangs/pinchers as big as my pinky finger. It was so cool. I put it in my scarf and took it outside.

I loved seeing the green compared to the drought of Cali

And then this guy showed up, or rather, we showed up

In my hand is a hat made from leaves called flame something rathers that make excellent plates and hats!

My shoe and the cows!
This was Kumblagarh fort, which we went to at the end of our trip.
We got to go to a station of the fort. The fort's walls are the 2nd longest walls in the world.

Thinking and feeling grateful.


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