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Showing posts from September, 2015

Vamping Up Ye Olde Blog

As you can see my blog looks quite different from before. That is because, I wanted to change it up. If you have any suggestions about font, size or color, let me know. Enjoy! I hope it is easier to read now and more accessible.

Odd Thoughts

Sometimes I have really wacky thoughts. Wacky as in huh, I kinda wish I didn't think that way. Perhaps it is about how I feel about my body, other people, or the world around me. Most of the time I keep them to myself or write about them in my journal. Sometimes I blurt them out. I turn the thoughts into art, writing, and movement. I try to release these odd thoughts out of my system. These thoughts sometimes creep into my brain and whisper into my ear. I don't like that so much. So if you have thoughts that you feel like you can't tell someone about, express yourself. Write it down, meditate, focus on something else, remind yourself how awesome you are or say mantras to yourself like "Actually, I can", "No one is perfect" "Only I can decide how I feel." But it is also really important to remember that sometimes, these thoughts happen, and that is ok, and it doesn't make you a superfreak, or crazy, it just makes you human, Because we a

A Poem about Books

I give myself to the library books that pass through my hands I give my touch resting the books on my  stomach chest knees I give my taste chocolate  lunch the juice of the burrito I just ate My sight sometimes dog-earring watching the shadows of my thumb  over the pages I hug them snot on them get them wet love them so much Is it that I ruin books or make them better? Although, I probably should stop wrecking books that I do not own.....

Beautiful Books

Hello gorgeous beings of the planet! I am here to share with you BOOKS!!!! First of all, I am in love with books. I zip through about one a week. I am really fond of YA realistic fiction. But I could go for a good biography, or how to book time to time. is my best friend. So good. So fabulous. I look up a book I like, look at suggestions, place holds and BAM! I have just created a stack of books that I will love for a long long time. Some of my favorites are Alex as well None of the Above Ask the Passengers Tainted Shadows and many more but those were on the top of my head. A delicious poem about books shall be published very shortly!!! For now, book quotes!

La La la la la Life is WONDERFUL.

Before you start reading this post, please listen to this song. Or rather, listen while you read this post.  Life is wonderful song . My amazing sewing teacher, Peymie,  showed me this song. I auditioned for my school play, the Crucible, and I got called back, but I didn't get in. Instead, my glorious drama teacher asked me to be a stage manager. I get to learn how to cue lights and the sounds for the show, and make sure it runs smoothly. I am so so excited and I wanted to write about how opportunities, very much like life and people evolve. Sure, I didn't get into the show, but hey, I get to run the production now! And how crazy cool is that. It is all about the spin you put on it. For example: They ran out of your favorite pizza, hey you get to try something new. There isn't a club to make vegan cookies, you make one. You create what you want. You have power, you have control of your life. I do know that sometimes that is not the case. In a household that may

How Glorious Light Is

On my trip to New York this summer, my family crossed the Brooklyn Bridge. I am not a huge fan of walking, so I complained at first, but then I realized how wonderful it was. Or, at least I do now. On my disposition of walking, I enjoy biking much much more, and so this summer I faced many challenges where I backpacked about 10 miles, or walked around New York. But hey, it was pretty radical in the end.  I loved experimenting with light, and as I do when I am often a tad bored, I took many pictures! Then BAM! Boring is gone.  So here they are. To create the jagged effects of the city lights I shook my camera around. Try it sometime. Especially at sunset or sunrise.   I love this picture. You can faintly make out the skyline and at the same time there is so much beautiful movement. Good ole' NYC It is amazing how much art you can create by just opening up your eyes

Feeling Uncomfortable at Subway Stations is Not OK

I think we can all agree that everyone deserves to feel safe and good in their bodies and where they are at any moment in time. I had a moment today where I did not feel that way. I was told to look around a bus depot with my sister at our local subway station to look for a surprise person for my sister's birthday. It was dark. I was wearing a thin dress. I was chilly. I didn't have my phone or shoes with me. I was not comfortable. And I just think that is so incredibly sad and horrible that I felt so unsafe.  Eventually we found the person we were looking for, our cousin, but multiple times during the search I stated I felt uncomfortable, or we should turn back towards our car and get more instruction. I felt unsafe because I was aware that I was a huge predator to people in that area. Someone could snatch me up very easily and drive away, plus I didn't have resources I needed.  The point of this post is to share that story with you, my dear readers, but also shar