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Showing posts from October, 2015

Day in the Life

Hello! How fitting as I write this to the tune of Hello! From book of Mormon. I thought I hadn't written in about a month and I am so so happy that I had! Today is Halloween!!! Horray !!! So here is a day in the life: -Gotten up and read for an hour about a budding costume designer who lives in San Francisco and her adventures in romance -Went downstairs and ate a ton of yummy Chinese food, my mom's potato salad, and pumpkin bread. MMMMM -Watch some of a movie about child soliders -Watched a movie about pregnant people -Decorated a pumpkin and named it the peace pumpkin. I am having fun. As I was making my pumpkin I thought to myself how I was combining so many of my loves into one. -Crucible (Drama production): I put a witch hat on my pumpkin -My interest and passion to learn about the world around me -books -food -art -family I am feeling quite emotional and grateful today. It is really nice. I am going to take my gratitude and turn it into a positive action

Immigrant Memoir

For my AP Human Geography project I was asked to create a memoir emphasizing with someone's experience as a migrant or a refugee. For my project I chose to look through the eyes of a Peruvian boy escaping poverty and drug violence. I believe that these stories of human experience have the capability to change people's views of other groups of people and I think that is what we should all be doing when we walk around in our daily lives Exercise compassion and empathy and help create the world that we all want. I was inspired by a book I read and other articles. I used some stories and ideas in my memoir. Enjoy! Hello. My name is Jose Carlos. I am 17 years old, yesterday. And this is my third year away from my mother. On my birthday every year I would go to the market and buy a Tuna fruit for us to share. We would pick off the thorns and let the sweet juice dribble down our necks. This was the singular thing every year that would be different from our daily rice and beans. Yest

Cool Yoga Poses (Stick Figures)

Hey folks! As many of you know I do yoga. I stopped for a bit but I started to do more and more yoga because it is quite good for my back because I have scoliosis.  I aim for 90 minutes a week. Sometimes I use but other times I like to jam out to some really good musical theater and do what feels right. These handy dandy posters have helped a bunch!!! Enjoy

Fair Trade T-shirts

Hello all! As you know I am involve in my play the crucible this year. We needed a supplier for t-shirts so I did a little digging and found a site so you don't have to! Horray!!! So have some fun with your fair trade shirts and happy fair trade month

India Part 3

Hello!!! It has been about two months now since I went on my AWESOME trip to India. And I think it has really reinforced my purpose. I want to change the world for sure. I have know this when I started my blog, and I really know it know. Here is a song about that. So here are the pictures: A building along the wall of the Kumblagarh fort Goats!!!  I freaked everyone out telling them that goats have rectangular pupils. Thanks national geographic kids!  This place was awesome and ancient  Look at those gorgeous clouds  A coconut!  The root had split the rock in half! Nature sure is powerful  Bugs!!!  My outfit  We got to see a woman of the village cooking. It was awesome being in her house watching her. Mind you it was quite dark, this was taken with flash, and the sides of the walls were dripping water because the roof was made of sticks. When we asked her if she liked her life she said she was very happy