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India Part 3


It has been about two months now since I went on my AWESOME trip to India. And I think it has really reinforced my purpose. I want to change the world for sure. I have know this when I started my blog, and I really know it know. Here is a song about that.

So here are the pictures:

A building along the wall of the Kumblagarh fort


 I freaked everyone out telling them that goats have rectangular pupils. Thanks national geographic kids!

 This place was awesome and ancient

 Look at those gorgeous clouds

 A coconut!

 The root had split the rock in half! Nature sure is powerful
 My outfit
 We got to see a woman of the village cooking. It was awesome being in her house watching her. Mind you it was quite dark, this was taken with flash, and the sides of the walls were dripping water because the roof was made of sticks. When we asked her if she liked her life she said she was very happy to teach us how to make chapati because we didn't know how to do it. She seemed so so happy, even though she didn't even know her age. See her smiling. Really puts things in perspective huh?

 We got to try as well!
 My edits

 The car drive

 Then we got to do "tie and dye" Traditional Rajasthani tie dying. I was really happy because the cloth was cotton not silk.

The dyes were made of turmeric, beet, and sapphire! How cool is that?

And block printing!

Then we got to watch Traditional Rajasthani dancers

 My outfit!

A curtain!!!
The food was AWESOME . Mangos and Choles every day. Yes please

When we would drive down to the village where we built, I would see so much trash. It was really devastating. Pigs lived in this mush and the saddest part is that this trash won't decompose because most of it is plastic. This plastic gets eaten by the village livestock (I saw a cow eating a piece of paper) and the trash pollutes the water as you can see in the pictures.

There was a mixture between old and new everywhere you looked! And tons of cement ads.

"Trash river"

The landscape was out of this world goreous

Construction! It kinda looks like pick up sticks from this angle.
On the back of trucks, it would read "blow horn" or "honk please". What I found interesting about this whole affair was that in the US we honk when we are angry but in India, you honk for courtesy, to let someone know that you are coming, as to make them aware. Like when I bike ride and someones says "on your left."
The cars were also beautifully painted!

This is me at the build site!!! We were digging up dirt to fill a pit that would become a health center!

It was raining and it felt so nice!
This was outside our hotel door!
The rain did a number on some rooms.
My view

Sometimes we forgot the key so we went through the window

Our main mode of transportation. The bus drivers were awesome

Ready to start working!

I saw my first camel!!!


The swopping and dipping architecture represented the lotus flower which is very symbolic in India.

Ta da! At the Udaipur palace!

Trash. Everywhere. We must be mindful
Gorgeous vast lake. Udipur is called the city of lakes.

The white floating hotel.

I loved this sign so much. So true in so many ways besides ducking.
The buildings were stunning!

This was a piece used in a wedding and I picked up that the royal family enlarged it and usually people carry it, but the royal family made it larger because why not?

The sun! During the monsoon season people wanted to see the sun to pray to it, so they asked the king to bring back the sun so he did, and it is at the entrance of the palace for all to see during the monsoon season.

Floors for traction
These spikes were so that the elephants wouldn't bang down the doors. The spikes would hit their heads. :(

The streets. Filled with murals and no sidewalks
"Delete ur stress"
"Holy city watching 24/7"

So many different chips to choose from! My favorite was masala
The lake
Water bottle

Colored powder in the streets

Awesome restaurant we went to twice

Favorite stairs ever

Pineapple juice!
They were so awesome and made me a vegan meal!

I find this sign funny. Thanks to the chair.
Probably says art fact, looks like art fart
The streets!

Snoppy says hi


We did laundry and I wanted to document it

Then we moved to a different lodging which was araveli. So pretty and wonderful.

My work boots

To be continued!!!!!

Much love and happy adventures,



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