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Showing posts from November, 2015


Me.  This is Me. I am the mural that greets me when I ride my bike past  I am the digital art made by a close friend Colette showing my rainbow hair, my henna, and my bracelets and  my passion for feminism.                                                            I am the drawing made by a friend from camp to show my superhero side "flying colors" Get it?!, My hair, bright curious eyes, and of course, a rainbow cape.  I am the girl holding the fluff from a reed in my neighboorhood, loving nature, and with my raibow barret and ring  I am Me. I change, I evolve. I love Me.

Kindness Regardless

The past few days have been very enlightening for me. I have learned a lot about how to talk to people about racism, talked to my friends and peers about what happened in Paris, and have tried to express my feelings without silencing others. I often make mistakes, but it is learning from them that matters. I wanted to share a few links that I have found as well as this poem written by  Martin Niemöller . First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. The picture below is of a step by step (literally) process of how to solve a problem. It is painted at my old Elementary school and I love it so much! We should all have this taught to us.  This poem illustrates how important it

What is Going On and News

I usually do not like to listen to mainstream media news. It is often quite biased and as my teachers and mom have told me, a phrase often used in the industry is "if it bleeds it leads." I just think that is sick and why websites like and are so important. But there have been some very recent tragedies  in the news that have irked me. And I wanted to share with you what my opinion on the best course of action is. One word. If everyone practiced empathy and compassion, wow just wow. So in leu of the recent events in Paris, Lebanon, Kenya, Mexico, and Japan, Let us remember that we are all humans, we all are united in our differences, and human kindness is what can bring us together. Now is the time for a choice Love or Hate Many are choosing to blame the attacks on innocent people and want to fight fire with fire But as Gandhi said, "an eye for an eye makes the who

Happiness Articles

My mother and Nana send me wonderful articles about happiness and the like. Here are just a few. Enjoy! 4 Ways to be a happier person Stop and Breathe What to focus on instead of goals Give good complements Be kind to yourself right now

Gender Neutral Bathroom Signs

Hello!!! Look at what my Nana found! Awesome! I wish that all bathrooms will be this way in the future. Read more about how I feel about this issue here and here .

Deer Makeup

This is what happens when I get creative


A bit ago I wrote about how I was having wacky thoughts. Well It makes more sense now. My last two periods have been quite enlightening for me. I have had massive emotional reactions. In September  I felt as though I couldn't go to my sister's party because I was crying non stop. Last period I had really anxious, paranoid, and depressing thoughts.  This time around it is better, a more joyful time. I am learning to deal with all of these symptoms, which I have identified as Pmdd. Read more:  here . To help myself I: -do yoga -meditate -shower -say mantras -sleep -do something I love -talk about it -cry it out -write about it -do art -take herbal pills and oils We are all humans and we all have weaknesses. This is one of mine. Perhaps more later. Here is something that helps me as well:  Love to you!