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Distracted Driving

This Saturday I had quite the experience.

I made a really big mistake that I said I wouldn't make before. But I did. It was not good.

So I thought I'd share my experience with the internet and tell my tale and maybe prevent a similar tale. Now I am just imagining a bunch of different animal tails....tails are weird....Anyways, this Saturday I was driving to my Therapy appointment to help me with my Pmdd. My first in a few months. I was driving by myself and I had never driven there before by myself.

In November I got my license!!! YAYAYA!!! I reached my goal!!!! In my picture I have really poofy purple hair.

I had google maps turned on but it wouldn't talk to me sometimes so I glanced at it to know where I was going. While I was driving. No no Hani no no.

And then I went for a bit like this and it was fine. It was a rainy day on the freeway though so not the best conditions. Then my phone told me to make a right turn after I exited the freeway and I went right back on the freeway! By that time I was late and lost. While I was driving I either fiddled with my phone for directions and called someone for directions. No no Hani no no.

I got back off the free way and as I was on my phone again I bumped into the car in front of me. I didn't know what to do and I was feeling stupid and so I reversed and went on my way. I kept driving then the car honked at me a bunch and told me to turn into a parking lot. I did and parked and they saw there was no damage and I apologized and they said I was supposed to turn into the driveway. Overall they were very nice about it. But if I could talk to them now I would apologize so much because what I did was very wrong.

What I did was I drove distracted.

After I had a little panic attack and cried a bunch and slept a bit in the car until my dad came and helped me get home. I didn't get to the appointment.

Before I had a situation where I was having a really intense conversation and I was distracted and I made an unsafe unprotected left.

This was number two. And hopefully number two will be it. It is up to me.

There is a more than 1% chance I will die in a car accident. That is a lot. 1 out of 99 people die in cars. I read that on a fact page demonstrating how being eaten by a shark is an irrational fear.

Before I made a list of things not to do in the car and I broke a few of those rules that day like eating and looking at my phone. Before I tried to make it a point to have my phone unreachable in the back seat. I am very very vigilant about distracted driving in regards to other people and have been to myself except for Saturday and another time before when I needed my phone for directions. That is just why I feel so stupid that I did this because I know it is so wrong and bad.

Now I want to make sure this never happens again.

How I will do it:
-Just don't do it!!!
-Put my phone in the backseat NO MATTER WHAT
-Pull over to look at my phone
-Pull over to look at directions
-Memorize the freeway exit
-Be prepared
-Pull over if I need to
-Leave extra time for mistakes
-Ask for help
-Know if I am ok to drive, if not ask someone

Any other tips for me???

I also bought a no texting ring and have signed this pledge:

I have made mistakes. I think I signed it before. But I am trying again.

Also check out itcanwait. It is really powerful.  I am remembering to forgive forgive forgive and change change change.

Hopefully this post can help.

Because this anger and frustration isn't helping necessarily.

Love you and #itcanwait


I like the video in this above article


  1. Oh, Hannah! Thank God that you are OK!!!! Thank you, God, for protecting my precious granddaughter Hannah. Your list of things to help you drive safer is very very good. You asked for more helpful hints. Here are mine:
    1. Love yourself exactly as you are. (You are perfectly wonderful!!!! And it's awesome that you can drive yourself places now.)
    2. Understand yourself exactly as you are: distractible at times and also a great problem solver!
    3. Ask yourself what would help you feel safest while driving? You have already made an excellent list of things you can do. Is there anything else? Is there something you could say to yourself to encourage you to stay safe? When I'm at the gym working out, I like to say "Strong! Strong!" What could you say to yourself to keep yourself focused while you're driving? Maybe "Focus! Focus!"?
    4. Could you make a promise to yourself to "Be Prepared" before you step into the car? What would it mean to be well prepared? Could you make a fabulous poster with pictures of what you need to do before driving hang them up in your room, just to remind you?
    Those are just some ideas. I know you will come up with lots more. I am so glad you are safe and sound. This little bump was probably the best wake-up call ever!! I Love You! Nana xoxoxoxo


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