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My Lone Pimple/Hair/Makeup

Hey Y'all!!
Sorry I haven't written in a bit! I have been having life! Wow! Cool ! Fun!
I hope you like the new design of this blog. 

I would like to talk about my face for this post because it is a cool thing. 

I have a lone pimple. It is beautiful and its name is Charlie. Sometimes Charlie lights up like a christmas light and sometimes Charlie is more subtle. Anyways, here are my adventures of Charlie and my face!

I love to make silly expressions and these are a few!

As you can see from these pictures I have a pimple/red spot on the right side of my face. Funny Huh? I love this hair how I did it rainbow and it swirled in the back.

I also enjoy swirly makeup

Recently I have been experimenting with eyeliner and lipstick to make my eyes look fairy like or do cat eyes. It is fun. Sometimes I decide it isn't a makeup day and I don't wear it. I wear makeup maybe once or twice a week. 

I love this picture. It is so genuine.

My sewing instructor and the internet and friends taught me how to do a cat eye and I love the light brush of this eye. I use Zuzu makeup. It is vegan and good for the ocean, Buy Zuzu

I also enjoyed my pink hair!
Then my hair became blue! I love doing one color styles. I usually party it off to one side or wear a beanie or headband. Sometimes I put weird ponytails in the mix. Again, say hi to Charlie.

Then for Halloween, I did deer makeup!

I had green hair too which I loved how it faded. 

Here is me in a wig!
Pink hair comb over

Headbands are the best! This was what I wore for my school picture.

I love my beauty

Up top pink hair

grass is fun


I haven't cut my hair once since I shaved it and I love it. It looks so cool grown out. I especially love the below picture because it looks like a cute pixie from the 20s.

My Momma!!!

Crazy Hani

This is a picture of my hair with dye in it, and the dye makes it do crazy things.

Fluffy mcfluff fluff





I am a kitty

Amy's ice cream cuapons!



Look! The beach

Pig tails!


Fluffy vomit hair!

Green hair!

Bright Blue

Manic Panic atomic turquoise mixed with violet.

This is me after having a cry. I thought it looked cool.

Look! It is Charlie


My eyes...can you see my soul?

Bright light purple hair lots of flare


I imagine....

The Crucible fun times

My hair is a purple wave

pig tails
Blonde hair
Rainbow hair!!! I missed it.

It is green in the front and so it looks great with an orange beanie

Wow. It just went crazy!

A poem about Charlie

Oh Charlie
You are a silly one
Staring out at pictures
Wanting to be seen
Being red
Agitated, full of passion, anger, and a pore
You are bloody
You are daring
You are bold
And I love you for it
Remeber to take deep breaths and calm down a bit


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