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Showing posts from July, 2016

How to Prep For a Train

I took a wonderful train ride from Milan to Zurich and I decided to make a video about it. Enjoy! P.S. It is funny how I thought July would be the month of Blogging, but it happened to be the month of video making!

Blue Faces

I decided to paint my face while I was packing. I got a bit distracted....So here are some pictures and a video! Travel stories to come.

My European Summer Adventure Part 1 of Many I wrote before, I went to Italy. I stayed in Italy for about a week. I guess I have been putting off writing this post and sharing pictures because I didn't quite know how to explain the situation that evolved without offending anyone. Ok, here goes. Compassion compassion compassion. To myself and the world. I am in Germany now, and that was not originally the plan. I planned on staying in Italy for 3 weeks, just as my exchange student had stayed in my home for 3 weeks.  Unfortunately the exchange experience was uncomfortable for me and not what I had expected. When I called my family a week into my time in Italy, I ended up crying and telling about my situation. After a bit of craziness, it was arranged that I would either go home or go to Germany the next day. But why Germany? Well....I am super duper blessed to have an amazing neighbor named Suzy. She has close family friends in a wonderful city called Freiburg and so she asked if I could hang out there for


I had the joyous opportunity to travel to Wisconsin for a family reunion earlier this month. I got to meet new cousins and enjoy the power of close wonderful family! I made a video about this wonderful place and beauty of people and nature that Wisconsin is. What do you think...Is Wisconsin Wonderful or What?!

My face

It is a nice face that I like to poke and stroke. I can make many faces with it. Expression is cool! Sorry for my absence. Summer is crazy. But I will make up for it this week and month. Consider July 2016....SUPER BLOG TIME hmmm ahhhh dopedo yes yes happy smiley achhhhhooooo sunshine is my friend What faces do you like to make?


A dog barks, a thunder claps, a car starts The pitter patter of rain makes my head feel dizzy and heavy I eat the gelato after traveling for nearly a day I am tired Lumpy Ready to turn in I turned down wine and beer already and will fall asleep soundly soon In italy I sleep I can't sleep I am in Italy! Driving 1 hour from Milan I nestle into my host sister's bedroom Half of my time figuring out what this or that means in Italian Waving smoke from my face I draw They are intrigued The Russian lady draws me a cat and a bear on the plane My host dad likes my drawings I sketch the cobblestones while hearing the language of this city being spoken all around Thunder again I saw lighting today I could barely see the car in front of me In Biella you circle around and around And wonder who did this before me? A city with a history of over 1,000 years. The girls dress in long black tunics Chockers Bandos The boys wear tight jeans Puffy Hair Polo shirts I