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A dog barks, a thunder claps, a car starts
The pitter patter of rain makes my head feel dizzy and heavy
I eat the gelato after traveling for nearly a day
I am tired
Ready to turn in
I turned down wine and beer already and will fall asleep soundly
In italy
I sleep
I can't sleep
I am in Italy!
Driving 1 hour from Milan I nestle into my host sister's bedroom
Half of my time figuring out what this or that means in Italian
Waving smoke from my face
I draw
They are intrigued
The Russian lady draws me a cat and a bear on the plane
My host dad likes my drawings
I sketch the cobblestones while hearing the language of this city being spoken all around
Thunder again
I saw lighting today
I could barely see the car in front of me
In Biella you circle around and around
And wonder
who did this before me?
A city with a history of over 1,000 years.
The girls dress in long black tunics
The boys wear tight jeans
Puffy Hair
Polo shirts
I am the only blue haired girl in this whole city
But that is usually the case
I enjoy it quite a lot
My neighbor on the flight from Frankfurt to Milan complemented my hair
She says she wants hers blue too
She is getting a donkey next year
Funny what you learn when you talk to people
I really want to talk
Really understand this language swirling around me and sweeping me up in the articulation of sharp Ts and Is.
I eat spaghetti hopping that it will help me absorb the language through my tongue
There are refugees here
The problem must be solved
It is up to all of us, not just the Italians
Like the cracked foster system in the US, people scam off of taking care of the weak
Jobs can be hard to find
Scams can be rampant
French sounds like Italian sounds like Spanish
ASL and GSL are similar but now I want to learn ISL after talking to a deaf man in Germany
The postcard man thought I was German
I want to order for myself
I don't like the smell of smoke
But an hour in the presence of smoke won't hurt me too much
I hope
I hope for more rain
I hope for cool days
I hope for good memories
I hope for strength
I hope for a good trip
When someone asked me for my expectations of the trip
I told him that I am excited and open
I am also sticking to what I believe
Making sure I am safe
Trusting my gut
I will be ok
Better than ok

More later,


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