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Showing posts from October, 2016

Mission Blue

I recently watched an amazing movie for my AP environmental class in school and here is my response/review. PLEASE WATCH IT. SO SO GOOD. Learn more  here  (mission The movie is on Netflix too! When Sylvia Earle said “No ocean, no life. No ocean, no us.” she meant that as humans we often don’t classify ourselves or give ourselves the responsibility and equivalent relationship with Earth (as we do deer or snakes for example), and rather see Earth as a tool and a burial ground for waste and mistakes. Ms. Earle mentions how things are constantly being thrown over ships with little to no thought. Earle states that if we keep using the oceans as our trashcans, we won’t have any more ocean left. We used to think that there was nothing we could do to harm the oceans, but there is, and each action that humans take regarding fossil fuels and output of CO2 into the atmosphere affects the ocean drastically. As an example, in the film divers explored a remote coral sea off the

German stories

There are some things that I love so so much about Germany.  Here is my love list. -They sell cherries and flowers on street and by trust -They wave to each other -Biking is the main method of transportation in Freiburg -I was sitting in the little stream and a man came up to me and complemented me on me being myself -People speak three languages - I can dress how I dress and it is accepted and the norm -Bubble play in the town square -There are little holocaust memorials everywhere -There are concerts that are free, and outside of their public theater there is a garden -Things called biosks which are organic kiosks -Patience -The moist air -Kindergarten is literally a garden where kids play. Kinder means kid in German. When I picked up a girl in kindergarten, there were chickens running around and the kids had just gotten back from a hike in the black forest. -Blueberry bushes in the black forest -Openness to refugees. There were houses being build by th


I have been doodling and painting a whole bunch of wonderful things. When I express myself with art I feel free and beautiful. In school I bring my watercolors I got from Germany and I paint during lectures. I will share these with you now. I hope you like them. I have never viewed them all together and I really like how they look. I can see how my style is developing and I enjoy it. This was painted when I went to Wisconsin and I saw people sitting on the pier. It was so beautiful  I painted this during a full moon. It was so so beautiful. On the tree I put sticks on, and for the moon I painted with nail polish.  This was made when I painted my banana, but I made it too big, so I made it a pregnant banana on its way to banana prenatal yoga. This painting I made in my history class. My friend shares her snacks with me and so I drew my chip and her orange slice.  This painting/journal entry was from when I was sitting in a succulent garden feeling very very lov

An Ukulele Cover!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE playing the Ukulele and I made a cover for you to enjoy! Also a wonderful song