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Showing posts from December, 2016

Deaf History

American Sign Language Alphabet  I love sign language so much. Contrary to popular belief there are many different types of sign languages in the world. French sign language is actually more similar to American sign language than b British sign language. (Refer to the map below). Because of various colonization and imperialistic forces, different sign languages are used in different parts of the world but geographic isolation also played a large role in the creation of sign languages. For example because England is an island it developed a different sign language than western Europe. Deaf people were usually isolated or thought of as less than in society, and in those close communities formed their own languages to communicate. The standardization and acceptance of sign language happened in quite recent history.  Gallaudet One of my dream colleges is Gallaudet in Washington D.C. It was established by a deaf man who traveled to France to learn FSL (French sign language). He


  co·in·ci·dence kōˈinsədəns/ noun 1 . a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection. "it's no coincidence that this new burst of innovation has occurred in the free nations" synonyms: accident ,  chance ,  serendipity ,  fortuity ,  providence ,  happenstance ,  fate ;  a fluke "too close to be mere coincidence" 2 . correspondence in nature or in time of occurrence. "the coincidence of interest between the mining companies and certain politicians" synonyms: co-occurrence, coexistence,  conjunction , simultaneity, contemporaneity, concomitance Coincidences are really weird and really cool. Some people say there is belief to be had in coincidences or visa versa. Is reading a headline then overhearing it normal? How about learning something new and hearing it repeated in a prerecorded show? I have had weird instances in my life were things happen in succession tha

You are Loved

Sometimes in art class When I have a lot of time I sit down with a smile And work for a while First I chop matte into sheets Make them rectangle They don't need to be neat Then I paint a color of choice Blue, brown, green, yellow, wait when until it isn't moist I then paint a saying something to lift spirits something to believe in And poof Just like that Art is born Heals me and the world with a stroke of a paintbrush. This is my project

Silly Shy Bean

I am a silly shy bean Some may not believed Scalding water burns me Ice freezes me I am a silly shy bean and I am sensitive too I can tell the colors red from blue I am a silly shy bean and don't know what is what I once saw an exhibit with the body of king tut I feel so little and so new Not like how I felt when I was 10 plus 2 I am trying to welcome the new reality of age And what is going on in the world why some people want to talk with me and why others walk away I preserve myself in paint Dripping though my hands Splattering onto surfaces that are not washable...oops I grow despite the concrete and the pedestrians out from the sidewalk cracks Because flowers grow where dirt used to be The oppression squashes me Makes me want to curl into a ball why is there taboo, why are there topics we can't talk about? I want to hug everyone but find that there are some porcupines in the crowd I constantly listen, analyze, and breathe. I speak different languag