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Deaf History

Image result for sign language map
American Sign Language Alphabet 
I love sign language so much. Contrary to popular belief there are many different types of sign languages in the world. French sign language is actually more similar to American sign language than b British sign language. (Refer to the map below). Because of various colonization and imperialistic forces, different sign languages are used in different parts of the world but geographic isolation also played a large role in the creation of sign languages. For example because England is an island it developed a different sign language than western Europe. Deaf people were usually isolated or thought of as less than in society, and in those close communities formed their own languages to communicate. The standardization and acceptance of sign language happened in quite recent history. 
Image result for gallaudet students signing

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One of my dream colleges is Gallaudet in Washington D.C. It was established by a deaf man who traveled to France to learn FSL (French sign language). He then brought this language to the states and created a standardized way of signing and spread the knowledge to the north american deaf community.
In WWII deaf people were discriminated against because of their differences. I read this book and really enjoyed it. It is about a deaf girl in WWII. For more information visit this site:Deaf and the Holocaust. I am still learning so please pardon me from any mistakes. I welcome feedback! Throughout history hard of hearing and deaf people have been discriminated against but that has made the community grow stronger. I am honored to be able to learn sign language and be exposed the this beautiful and rich language. Sign language isn't just a language, it is a community because interpreters are needed and so the deaf and hearing world must have some interaction, creating a hopefully symbiotic relationship where everyone learns from each other.Image result for sign language supportLearn more about sign language here


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