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Showing posts from February, 2017

Art of the days

Oh my goodness! Hannah Banana has been creating art?! (wow so weird?!) who would have thunk?!  Anyhooo, here is some of my art So I love pretzels like a lot and there was this crazy sale at world market where pretzels were only $4.50 for a whole barrel of huge pretzels, so I got the pretzels, ate them during art times, and then painted the barrel purple and made it into an octopus. Now Artie the octopus has a little flap on his side for easy access.  This is part of a series of paintings I did on sexual euphemisms.  Done! Here are the others of the series. I am really proud of them. Gotta love thoughts right before you fall asleep. I painted my teacher's hand. I feel so honored and lucky to have such wonderful teachers in my life.  This is my prom dress that I embroidered. It took me four hours. AH! The top is from my grandma's old dress and then I made it into a long colorful dress! Peace out people! This is a mural I am wo

Lovely Lady

When I hear the phrase "lovely lady" I think of this song from Les Miserables: But heck, this is a blog all about activism and reclaiming things and all that jazz. I love that phrase so much and I think it perfectly sums up the wonderful human in my life. Emily. The bean, the spoon, the legend. I came out on my blog a few years back. I am out and proud, but it is not like being a straight couple out in the world. I have to censor myself if I don't know someone's political beliefs, and I need to keep safe, but happy. I talk about balance a lot. And that is what this is. An eb and flow of love and life and it is beautiful. Reminds me of this line highlighted from my favorite poem by Sarah Kay:  B (If I Should Have a Daughter) Instead of “Mom”, she’s gonna call me “Point B.” Because that way, she knows that no matter what happens, at least she can always find her way to me. And I’m going to paint the solar system on the back of her hands so that she has to


Wow! Oh my goodness woowza wooh! Where they heck was Hannah the past 2 months? Who even knoooowwwsss? Well, I created a new website that has my blog linked to it: Also I made this site prettier! So that is all fun. I have been doing things like: Adventures: Friendaroos Activism: School and stuff: ART! The Women's March (ASL interpretation) Dating a Lovely Lady (her name is Emily and I love her so so much and more later darlings :) What?! Is this a preview you might ask? WHY YES INDEED! See you soooooooooon