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Showing posts from February, 2018

I am a Towel

I am a Towel Nevermind how they treated you How you feel like a limp towel Soaking up the mess You beautify Yet it rests on you You must sit in the sun Dry yourself Learn to soak up your own wetness The blood of your heart Become absorbed in who you are Feel the heat on your fast Crip and cool Know that next time you can choose You can help But you must be strong for yourself

The Dragons of Lake Merrit

The Dragons of Lake Merritt The ripple appears from nowhere Was that a flick of a tail The small movement Inspiring One Two Tree Concentric circles A bullseye to the magic place You dive Deep down Flying underneath the surface Eyes adjust Flip to the back of your head Where you can finally see A flick of your tail Your second eyelids blink Inside becomes outside You glimmer You shine You swim deeper Deeper And prepare to welcome the next explorer

Sidewalk Poem

Bidewak Srilliance There is brilliance in the sidewalk The glitter is under our feet It sparkles and reminds us of the vitality flowing underneath The essence Bleeds through the cracks Inviting us into the world of magic We only need to skip Twirl Look up Open our bodies wide And welcome it in

San Francisco Poem

I am on a poem roll these days! I am so happy because I am in my creative writing class and we get to write write write. Here is a poem about time. Enjoy 1008093 Ms. Zensius Creative Writing, Period 5 February 9, 2018 Time Buried beneath the Salesforce building The phallic structures that pierce the sky Rests hundreds of years of history Hidden Silent Wanting to come up and cry: “See us, hear us, listen to our stories” We pound on your walls and bring rhythm to your streets We, who have lived in this world, We, who have ruffled your sheets I, Emperor Norton of the United States, Protector of Mexico Declare myself ruler of this city, newly unfurled Magic snuffed by fast paced techies The New Millennium leans We are soil for veggies You walk past in your jeans We tell you to stop Wait Pause Hand to the sidewalk Have our narratives swapped My royal fantasies may be fallacies But you have the power You have the key Open me up and

First Kiss Poems

Here is a collection of first kiss poems. Enjoy Someone Someone Just like you or me Decided to embroider the sky They took a needle Thread through gold And began their masterpiece Someone makes mistakes too Blood dripped from their fingers Into the dirt Where it grew Someone wasn’t expecting their pain to become beauty Someone never does Instead someone focused Created to heal their own heart Someone hurts too And you and I Look up To see the piece Of someone’s heart To help us remember Pink Triangle Park The stones lay under our flesh Pushing into our glutes Whispering through pressure Their stories “Hear us” They try so hard to make us move Bow down Ear to the ground Listen to their wisdom “We have lived” They say “We know” But we respond with laughter and respond with kisses Our feet upon many faces Shifting as our lips touch Thankful and Thoughtful They support us and we listen Our feet like roots