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First Kiss Poems

Here is a collection of first kiss poems. Enjoy

Just like you or me
Decided to embroider the sky
They took a needle
Thread through gold
And began their masterpiece
Someone makes mistakes too
Blood dripped from their fingers
Into the dirt
Where it grew
Someone wasn’t expecting their pain to become beauty
Someone never does
Instead someone focused
Created to heal their own heart
Someone hurts too
And you and I
Look up
To see the piece
Of someone’s heart
To help us remember

Pink Triangle Park
The stones lay under our flesh
Pushing into our glutes
Whispering through pressure
Their stories
“Hear us”
They try so hard to make us move
Bow down
Ear to the ground
Listen to their wisdom
“We have lived”
They say
“We know”
But we respond with laughter and respond with kisses
Our feet upon many faces
Shifting as our lips touch
Thankful and Thoughtful
They support us and we listen
Our feet like roots
Absorbing nutrients through our legs
Our knees shake
Because she is here! Touching me!
Someday fools will learn

There was a whisper in the wind that night
Until you find the trees
They will tell you something once you smell their breath
Look and the air turned us
Wiped our heads
Eyes scanning
Attempting to recognize the missing piece
And then we saw it
Cold metal pressed against my back
Throbbing heat in between my legs
And then
I felt it

Opposite of Haight
Is here ok?
The green one
Can you see that plant
Can you see my hands
Can you see my spirit
Feel a warm air lift my hair
Brush your cheeks with cherries
Pull us closer
The blanket wraps us together
A welcome constraint
To act
I blush
She asks
We feel each other’s breath
Don’t you dare stop
But it is late
And I need to reel in my heartstrings from where they floated up to the heavens

The bell is about to ring
But I can only hear the ringing in my ears
The plasma flows to my ears
Blocking me from hearing anything but her laugh
I giggle nervously
She calms me with a soothing touch
And I am sent to bliss
Is this what sugar tastes like?

Heat on my shoulders
Sweat on neck
My fingers strain to from words
Try and communicate with him
If only he could read my mind
Instead I crack open the yolk of my soul and spill my secrets
He reciprocates
And we have created a soup of shame
That we cast off beneath the ledge
20 feet down
Hoping they will splatter and disappear.
As my insides whip into a froth
I ask
Do you wanna kiss me?
He does
Warm apple sauce

But he did ask me out right?


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