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Showing posts from April, 2018

A Poem about a love lost

I text She calls 7 at night "Come over here, the game is happening" I say "I can't, tell me sooner next time, I have stuff to do" I am busy She is too It is hard to make plans I ask her if she is free this time and that When I get no response I send funny pictures I miss her face I miss her hugs So I stalk her on facebook a bit When I finally see her Randomly at a lecture We hold each other softly, While she kisses my hand I tell her how I tried to look her up Creepy she tells me, I was just curious The next time there is a lull I send her lots of pics No response for four days Did I scare her off? She responds "Please only send two at a time" She says it is overwhelming But I can see she has her phone She snapchats other people I wonder why I am not involved I feel hurt and confused I get back from camp I expect to see many texts from her Nothing except "I was high during school" Ok great I told you, d

Story time...In search of perfection

I have been trying my hand at different types of creative writing thanks to my wonderful creative writing class. Here is one story: Chris and pat and so they both really really like each other and get into an  argument about who is more perfect or beautiful and so they argue and realize that they are both wrong because perfection is irrelevant and beauty is a fucked up societal expectation Chris and pat are genderless characters in a relationship of romance It started off as an ordinary day. Chris gently awoke pat by whispering the date to Pat “November the fifth baby, good morning. “ Pat rolled over and groaned. ” Is it Monday?” Chris responded gently, “Not yet sugar, it is Sunday. 11am, rest a little longer. I will put the kettle on.” The rain was pattering the roof, like a giant octopus was doing a dance above their heads. Chris moved their hips to the rhythm of the sky, and hummed a little tune. Pat heard the sweetness of their lover’s voice and blindly patted down

Jana Brike

I have recently stumbled upon a wonderful, inspiring, artist. Her name is Jana Brike. I found a beautiful interview of hers here: She explores themes of growth, love, sexuality, and nature. I adore it! Some of my paintings/ pictures resemble hers! An interesting thing is that some of her paintings resemble famous paintings. For example, like this one: Here are some of my other favorite works. I feel like they all have a story!! The way she paints freckles amazes me. anywhoodle enjoy

I have been gone!

 I have been gone! And I owe you all a life update! I have been enjoying the faced paced life that I have created for myself, and been putting less pressure on myself! Which I think is very healthy and good. Some MAJOR things have been happening. What, you may ask? Well: 1. I am moving to Berlin in August!!! 2. Number one because I got into a dream school, Bard College of Berlin, and will be studying humanities, arts, and social thought 3. I have been making more poetry than ever. Some beautiful people have entered my life that have inspired a lot of exploration and beauty for me 4. I have been writing stories. I will share some on this platform. 5. I think this shall be a place of short bursts and beauty as opposed to a steady stream. If you want to keep updated with me, follow me on instagram at the.rainbow.fairy I love yall! Keep on adventuring