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Joan and the Astrolobe

This story is about early modern science and feminism. A version of an alternative history inspired by my lovely down to earth knowledge class.

It was November the Seventeenth 1549. The winds were chilled and one’s ears would need to be covered by wool shorn from sheep in the English countryside. Words became manifested as fog once breathed into the world. Tiny clouds puffed away everytime ideas were exchanged. To further inspire these thoughts hot drinks were held close to the nose in order to heal and soothe the redness of the nose.
Joan had prepared a salon for discussion. She had gathered all of her colleges and constitutes into a list of precise detail. Each person carefully chosen with their specialties well know. She invited a doctor, an inventor, a fisherman, an astronomer, an astrologist, and a clockmaker. Nine months prior she had had asked pillot of her finest ship to sail to India to retrieve her favorite type of tea. Pastries from Paris had be sent for a week earlier, and her house was cleaned and curated to provide the opportunity for the most intriguing discourse.
First arrived the doctor after a long week of practice. He set down his hat and choose the comfiest chair. The clockmaker knocked next, and set down their gift of a small mechanical object they had diligently prepared hungry all day. They welcomed the pastries into their mouth. The fisherman stepped into the foyer while making sure he carefully scraped his boots. He had brought smoked fish for the host. The inventor tumbled into the room. Se had tripped on her own pants….she never has time to mend them. The astronomer was last. He had slept in the day in preparation for his work that night.
Once they had all found their seats and took their pastries and tea they looked up at Joan’s new object she had acquired. They stared curiously at it until Joan blurted out:
“Well yes, that is an astrolabe.”
“But Joan, why paper? What is the use of the paper at sea?” Joan drew in hear breath and began.
“When my people are out on the sea I do not wish to bore them. If one is to be a great tradesman they must not only have the ability to trade goods, but also trade knowledge. In return I hear from their stories when they arrive back home.”
“Do you mean to say that you speak with your sailors?”
“Why of course, how else am I to acquire knowledge and encourage their studies? “
“Joan! What blasphemous practice of these men dirting your home!”
Joan sighed and turned to her friend. Upon seeing her annoyance the clockmaker chimed in.
“Well perhaps, doctor, Joan finds use in all of the little parts of her life. She is able to further herself by appreciating even the smallest little fact. And how else is she to acquire this information if not for asking those whom she implies?
“Clockmaker, I must disagree. The only way to gain knowledge is to put yourself into what the situation requires.””The doctor retorted.
“If that is your logic,” The astronomer exclaimed,
“I should see a blank sky when I look to the heavens at night, but instead I see stars and planets of worlds beyond. Sadly our friend the inventor has not invented a spaceship for me to travel and learn from experience. But through books, and paper, I am able to absorb knowledge. Like our host.”
“Sorry about that...I am working on a flying device.” The inventor added. The doctor scoffed, disappointed that his logic had been outsmarted by those he believed to be less educated.

Joan settled back into her sofa and looked up with shining eyes. Excited for the next thoughts delivered.


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