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Showing posts from February, 2019

The funny things I have found on German Neighborhood Social Media

Ok so I have found some pretty funny things and I had to share them before I deleted them off my desktop. apparently, it is Berlin/German culture to trade very expensive items for chocolate flavored things or cake????


Poems for her who must not be named

Can it be our secret our secret our secret whispered softly lightly gently across our tounges can it be our melody melody melody song sung quietly lightly until the morning sun Smelling of smoke and fermentation  the smell of an american subway elevator the ones here are too clean to get dirty the ones there are too dirty to get clean she holds my hand underneath the blanket letting me play the piano on her knuckles which I soothed once before with lotion but remains cracked and cold because it has been too long since I held her hand above are my kisses those of friendship are my hugs just a nice place to rest is my breath letting her know that i long to kiss her neck do her eyes sparkle because of something i may have said or did or do they have the urge of nicotine and are darting further still is she searching for an animal or for the animal within is she letting me along for the ride will she ever let me in will she stay my friend after if wha

a poem about if Socrates was on tinder and at clubs

If socrates was on tinder He would catfish for sure Pretend to be a young skater boy But be a mean man underneath Hardened And striking Constantly like a baby rattlesnake Ready to bring down anyone who tries to outsmart his logic He would send weird gifs instead of “hey” He would take pictures of boys with abs and claim them as his own When he meets his dates to take them home he tries to be cool He really tries But instead comes off as a hot professor With an odd smell Did he not shower? Of course not. Showering is for lazy people who have nothing else to do. Socrates thinks these young boys should be honored to go on a date with him, but leaves the check for them to pay. When they go back to his house The boy goes on his knees, not to give fallacio, but the greatest sexual pleasure for socrates. He exclaims “Socrates, your logic is unbreakable, your skill is unquestionable Your speech is understandable And you are admired in all the land

a poem about half hearted excuses

Jan 5 The plan is to get high and eat leftovers The plan was to see a show yesterday But you disappeared And your boyfriend sneered So instead you will go off without me The plan is to take a bath To soak in the bubbles and make myself laugh Despite the plans that were made four months ago Crumbling away like the bubble bar between my fingers The plan is to watch snl To see my president being made fun of To hopefully regain my hope for this world When catastrophe is foreseen between you and him I try to look away at something that makes fun of pain The plan was to make a plan To call once a week To stay in touch You know it was wrong to leave me unread I wonder what is going on, bulge out like a finger wrapped with thread The plans are not real now A sure is not an “of course show me how” Somehow you made it across the ocean But now you can't tell me that you will not be coming That I am not welcome That you cannot see me Or

a poem about the ghosts of New Years past

The girl and this love The first girl they ever kissed touched their lips on new years eve The longest realtionship they ever had will hold their hand tonight The first girl was soft and small This love was tall and kind This love can lift mountains. This love plays music This love becomes soft and small The girl can charm cats The girl throws sticks in the air The girl puts up a wall This love will be here tonight, and so will the girl. Each reminding me of time Each reminding me to listen loud and sit tall. Each reminding me to ring in the year With a colorful bow and a humble ask for help

a poem about the queers on the beach

A fellow queers future They were named moonflower and Patience And no they were not joking. Around their necks strings of prayer beads sat Above their necks were wide smiles Because, didn’t you hear, there was a bunny! And oh...isnt that hops! Patience wore all purple Moonflower had a peace sign tattoo on her left ankle Did they notice me noticing I saw their deck They saw my cape “Come over and pick a card” Perhaps was all that escaped me An excuse and maybe a fear That they were like me And i wasnt expecting to see myself on the beach today But what should i expect On a blistery day in the bay But two millenial hippies Wanting to read a fellow queers future. And with a quick nap on the sand Holding my bunny in hand I woke up to the smell of their departure Smokey and sweet A green lulluby back to sleep

a poem of curiosity of how place shapes you

It was in amsterdam, it was under the covers The first time she ever smoked a J it was in Amsterdam The first time he did was in silent under his covers It was out in the open and her friend drank tea. It was behind a thick door with no lock This boyish girl….this girlish boy with wind in their hair Was traveling the world This so-called young man was stuck in a radius of 20 miles since the day he was born “You should call yourself lucky” They say “You should eat what you are served, and like it too” It would take the boy only a few years to learn to grow silent It would take the other child only a few moments to speak up

a poem for when trust is gone

God created the seas You promised one more time before i go Will i hold you to that Will you actually come up My trust is shaken And my heart is breaking And you say you love and care for me And it sucks he is getting in the way of that And so i want you to show me you actually care I want you to talk to him I want your answer And i will give you three days to do so Three days means a lot, god created the sea