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a poem about half hearted excuses

Jan 5

The plan is to get high and eat leftovers
The plan was to see a show yesterday
But you disappeared
And your boyfriend sneered
So instead you will go off without me

The plan is to take a bath
To soak in the bubbles and make myself laugh
Despite the plans that were made four months ago
Crumbling away like the bubble bar between my fingers

The plan is to watch snl
To see my president being made fun of
To hopefully regain my hope for this world
When catastrophe is foreseen between you and him
I try to look away at something that makes fun of pain

The plan was to make a plan
To call once a week
To stay in touch
You know it was wrong to leave me unread
I wonder what is going on, bulge out like a finger wrapped with thread

The plans are not real now
A sure is not an “of course show me how”
Somehow you made it across the ocean
But now you can't tell me that you will not be coming
That I am not welcome
That you cannot see me
Or maybe to be seen with me would cause havoc in your new home

Because the plans are in the waste bin
Because someone is insecure
Feelings should be validated
Boyfriends told the absolute truth

But you are missing steps
Trying to walk across a half-frozen pond
It is bound to crack underneath distrust
It is already chilling my heart

And yes I won't deny that the plans we kept were true
They warmed my heart and gave me hope
But now they are all falling through

Funny how three days can change things
Funny how a presence can sting
Funny how I am banished from a word
How I am reduced to an untrustworthy fling

So make a choice
Chose a path
Cuz polyamoury doesn't work like that
It isn’t don't ask don't tell
It isn't being comfy in a closet
It isn't having to pretend
That love is something unbeknownst to me

Hold your love dear to your heart and tell your love what is true
Keep it simple and trust your gut
Don't let the boyfriend make you nervous too

See if giving him what he wants *monogomy* is what you want to do
Then I will go like the wind upon the wings of plane I will board on January twenty-two

Or maybe you will decide that I am important in your life enough to explain the situation
Maybe we will occupy a different space but I cant have his jealousy encroaching

Because the plan is to get high and eat leftovers
But I will not be just leftovers to you
I am taking care of me, not being a scrap
This is a box I can no longer be confined to.

I try to be compassionate through art
This is the blood from my heart

And as for the best goes,
That is what I hope for you

-on bullshit


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