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Showing posts from November, 2019

more questions than answers

Tis the season for leakage. It is time to try and start budgeting you decide to make soup and carry it with you to your night class to east instead of expensive sushi but the container is not leakproof and your books smell like tomatoes for the rest of the year. Tis the time when you are not quite sick but in the mornings when you blow your nose mysteriously colored globs dribble down your lip. It is the time when you are not sure if you peed yourself or the discharge is just being its normal ovulation self. So i figured in this time of mass expulsion I might as well do some public self reflection because control over what I put into the world seems to be the most stable thing about a planet in which fires are currently 10 miles away from eating up my house. The internet is the new lock box.  So of course the next thing to do is to google questions to ask yourself. I , as you may have assumed, was a weird child. I would bring questions that I printed from a computer to lunch i