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Showing posts from February, 2021

Dispatch from A Trans Flamboyant Jew, Berlin Germany

 December 4, 2020 If I rustle my bedsheets, I will find at least three roaches with enough thc left to relieve the first layer of pain and anxiety if I awaken in a sweaty panic, with searing pain, and unable to drop into my body which is a nightly experience. And that is only one small example of how I have learned and been taught to constantly adapt through the tumult that is life in 2020.  Of course it is generational, of course, the goys will never understand, but those with the knowledge and weight of generations of fleeing, persecution, and genocide will be able to empathize at a higher vibration to this struggle, and it is my hope that we create a world to greet each other with only love.  I, and so many people I know are simultaneously preparing for our worst nightmares and our biggest dreams, and attempting to make it as fun, silly, and full of love as possible as we await a greater awakening that will be necessary in order to progress as a collective society. And the empire se