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Dispatch from A Trans Flamboyant Jew, Berlin Germany

 December 4, 2020 If I rustle my bedsheets, I will find at least three roaches with enough thc left to relieve the first layer of pain and anxiety if I awaken in a sweaty panic, with searing pain, and unable to drop into my body which is a nightly experience. And that is only one small example of how I have learned and been taught to constantly adapt through the tumult that is life in 2020.  Of course it is generational, of course, the goys will never understand, but those with the knowledge and weight of generations of fleeing, persecution, and genocide will be able to empathize at a higher vibration to this struggle, and it is my hope that we create a world to greet each other with only love.  I, and so many people I know are simultaneously preparing for our worst nightmares and our biggest dreams, and attempting to make it as fun, silly, and full of love as possible as we await a greater awakening that will be necessary in order to progress as a collective society. And the empire se
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Taron Hensley is a Pedophile.

Nine months later I emerge with the hopes of being vaccinated soon. FUcking hell. What a trip. This pandemic is going to require a lot of processing in the future but for now, I want to share and record some things I am very proud that I accomplished over this period of time. I was able to help start and run a campaign to eventually get my high school drama teacher who spread the rumor that I called the cops at a cast party which ruined my social life at that school while stalking me and my friends and constantly trying to get me in compromising and damn disgusting and gross situations. His charm to his superiors and the gaslighting and abuse of students has been heavily weighing on me in a way I have yet to fully deal with. I spoke out in high school and was silenced, threatened, and made to feel unwelcome. Yet the internet and living in a whole separate continent does wonders for confidence. I helped create a petition, gathered testimonies, and launched this campaign with my friends

Collage ? YES

Here are some new * DIGITAL AND FANCY* arts

feeling bad in class so i made this poster after someone asked this after my muslim women and consumer capitalist identities presentation  This is a representation of how being trans and transitioning appears in all aspects of life  This was a draft for a poster for a drag show that I helped host This is a poster for a conference I am attending !

more questions than answers

Tis the season for leakage. It is time to try and start budgeting you decide to make soup and carry it with you to your night class to east instead of expensive sushi but the container is not leakproof and your books smell like tomatoes for the rest of the year. Tis the time when you are not quite sick but in the mornings when you blow your nose mysteriously colored globs dribble down your lip. It is the time when you are not sure if you peed yourself or the discharge is just being its normal ovulation self. So i figured in this time of mass expulsion I might as well do some public self reflection because control over what I put into the world seems to be the most stable thing about a planet in which fires are currently 10 miles away from eating up my house. The internet is the new lock box.  So of course the next thing to do is to google questions to ask yourself. I , as you may have assumed, was a weird child. I would bring questions that I printed from a computer to lunch i

Virgo season poem

On my phone scrolling through our past texts Cuz my new grindr fling also is using g chat In the month since you texted me out of the blue I have been whipped by fear That the longing wont stop And the scars wont heal And that whenever I get too comfortable Your voice will be there Telling me I am too much, too loud, that with too much I cared In the season since we last fucked, I wanted it to be done The tearing at my heart hadn't stopped hurting By the time I had gone Will the first dick ever remind me of the last ? Fuck you and your trickery From afar you still know how to burrow in me Away I cast you from my being. Its virgo season bitch and I must be a'cleaning With the power of the dirt and the fish that decompose I rid you of my being In my thoughts you can no longer roam I hope your partner finds this poem and tells u off Cuz hun you know it ain't fair to hit and run -fuck

A poem about little Bart moments

I wonder if there is a person in Tokyo    as squished as me right now Writing poems about his Neighboor passenger She is writing a text to someone who’s name starts with an L She wants to know if they will go to a queer dance party  He looks over a second later and sees that she is listening to Regina Spector I tried to run and catch a train today but it wasn’t my legs that failed me  Ten minutes late and crowded as a neandtathals armpit And just as sweaty  It feels almost like the concert last night  Perspiring bodies smushed together like sardines Except everyone is playing their own music  No one is passing dab pens around  And we all just want to leave  Yet the looking game is played  1,2,3...and he looks away  Why was he staring in the first place  But the Bart cars have windows that always make people look better in the sunset  So I guess there is always that  Can’t say I have helped  I had to pee so bad the other day I squat down at the mun