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Showing posts from January, 2014


     For the annual science fair, us 8th graders are allowed to do a Rube Goldberg. In case you didn't know, Rube Goldbergs are machines that react from a reaction, like dominos. To learn more visit this l ink . I am participating in this creative madness and building my own. You can use anything really, but it is quite exciting to use everyday objects and see what you can manipulate them to do.         For example, sending a marble down egg cartons which knocks down dominos which hits a glass of water get the point. There are endless combinations, really, all you have to do is think.       Maybe the most fun thing about Rube Goldbergs are that they require a lot of thought and imagination. Surfing the web for ideas only gets you so far. If you really want this machine to be uniquely your won masterpiece, you have to use your noggin'. Your thought process when making a Rube Goldberg is mostly guess and check. This system of guess and check can be made into a

An Important Environmental Announcement From my Sister

 Written by my little sister Mia, age 11. Being helpful to our community is a great way to improve the society, but there are some other simple ways to contribute to saving our world. Global warming has always been a threat to the Earth ,and it increased immensely since we discovered what it was. I want you to help us, by selecting and sharing one of these ideas to family and friends Ideas ____ -use an electric car -compost -recycle -don't littler -conserve energy -only use reusable bottles -bike ect. -use an

8 Days

Sorry it has been 8 days since I have posted! School ,finals, and all that fun stuff has been on my mind a lot. For those who are going through a ton of testing like I am (in school, or life) I have some advice:                                                                                                                                               BREATH Just breath. It is that easy.  You will feel better in a jiffy* As a Japanese proverb states:Fall down seven times, get up eight. You look taller when the sun is on your back.  Muse about that. * A jiffy is actually a unit of time read more  here

Over 1,000

I have officially gotten over 1,000 view. Wohhhoooooo! Here is a rainbow to celebrate (my Nana took this picture at Sony Studios)  rainbow Sony studious.

A Poem about Racism

Recently I read a really good book called Black, White, Other . I randomly picked it off the shelf of our local library, and it has plunged me into a world that I barley scratched, and a problem that needs immediate attention. Racism. My huger for knowledge made me seek out books like My Sister's Voices and It's Not All Black and White as well as Marisol McDonald Doesn't Match. I woke up today and had a verse in my head for a poem about Racism, so here it is.            I am white, yes that's true, But I am green, I am blue I am orange, yellow, purple, pink I am rainbow, that’s what I think In the halls I hear People being criticized because they are queer Or being lighter than the rest Or being darker, it is such a mess Race is such and ugly thing It separates Goldstein from Ming It makes people create racial slurs It makes me want to hurl Yet, culture is a beautiful thing It makes us more connected to who we are, and keeps us wonde