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Showing posts from December, 2014

2014 Recap and 2015

Hello! I am so sorry I haven't posted in quite some time. There has been a lot of sickness floating around. Today is my Momma's birthday! Yay! It is also the last day of 2015!!! WHAT?!?!?!?! Crazy, I know. How have you made this year count? This year I figured out some awesome things about myself and the world, wrote a lot of poetry:, saw some great movies:, went to we day, had a ton of crazy outfits, did some tutorials:, showed you some causes I care about:, found art in fun places, went to Paris:, shared water saving tips:, wrote about the wonders of the world, came out:

Happy Quanahanamas!!!

As Hanukah rolls around and so does Christmas and Quanza, I just want to tell ya'll to have an awesome fabulous time and remember what is really important.  Today there are so many mentions of "buy this and you will feel amazing," "your kid will love you," "you will get promoted," "you will become 20% happier." Once you have fallen into these traps you spend more time buying the thing that will make something happen rather than doing that thing yourself. Some people believe that if you give a lover a ring that they will become close and fall deeper in love with that person. Sure, that is a really caring thing to do but it is the thought that counts. If you want to get closer to a loved one then spend time with them and if you see something they'd appreciate at a store then by golly if you want, get it for them. Shopping isn't evil. It can be great to look at all of the new inventions people make or support an artist in Thailand with

Cool Arm Drawings

At school yesterday a wonderful artist drew on my arm and other people's arms in her own language/ code. It was truly beautiful so I wanted to share these pictures with you and I hope to inspire you to doodle.

Rock ON!

This summer my dad took me to see the a Kiss concert. It was really fun to hang out with my Datty and rock out as well.  This was my outfit: -summer pants -thrift shop tee -tee that they handed out at pride -and kiss star outlined in rainbow  ROCK ON! My dad and I  The concert Heck yes! The concert was amazing and I loved how everyone came because they all had a shared love of this band. I want to share with you the exuberance and liveliness I felt that night. So when you are procrastinating, do not want to do chores, or just are feeling down, put on some music and rock out! Here is a playlist of rock out/feel better songs I made: Rock out: Empowering: Jam on!


Hello gorgeous people! In nor cal on Thursday there was a huge storm, flood warnings even came in NPR as I was getting ready. I want to take this opportunity to say I hope everyone is well and also thank goodness that CA got some rain! Wooohoooo! So keep being awesome and do some more rain dances, ok? Also, perhaps today you will do some yoga or meditate, or just take some time for yourself. Read, snuggle with some tea, and take some you time. You deserve it.  Light a candle Drink a green smoothie Watch the sunset Eat a giant potato chip?

What I Now Think About Religion!

Hello! You may have seen some of my posts mentioning that I had a Bat Mitzvah or that I was raised Jewish. Well I am here to tell you that I have changed my mind about a bunch of stuff portioning to religion. Here are my thoughts (I wrote this the summer of 2013 and tweaked it a tad. Some I have copied and pasted from outside sources, yet it is what I believe.) I     Summer 2013 At my desk facing a gorgeous mountain *Just to let you know I am trying not to bash religions. If you like your religion and it does good things for you and the universe, great! That rocks! But this is what feels right to ME. Also, my ideas are ever changing based on what I learn and experience.* After reading Are You There God? It is Me Margret for the second time, I’ve been asking myself some questions about religion. I was born Jewish. Both of my parents are Jewish and my grandparents as well. I had my Bat Mitzvah in November of 2013 and I am realizing things about myself all the time. I’

Hannah Is BACK!! And Here to Say Stuff! About Poetry!!!!

Hello gorgeous, lovely, amazing people! I am sorry that I have been absent from this wonderful webpage for a too long of a time. So many beautiful things have happened and I would like to share with you some! All about poetry style! My Momma introduced me to these amazing poets (The content is deep so viewer discretion is advised, yet encouraged.) Soooo gooooooood! I love poetry and I just went up to my attic to get my old poetry book.  I wrote this poem: I believe I woke up and had this idea. Funny things like that happen. I think the same thing happened when I wrote this poem: So today, think of something your passionate about: a fridge, how you walk, what you are eating, who you love, or anything, and write a poem about it. It doesn't have to rhyme, it doesn't have to sound perfect, just give yourself two minutes and write, go on, right now. I will wait. Ok! Here wa