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Showing posts from January, 2016


I am in love with Podcasts! Here are some of my favorites: -Mortified Adults read from their childhood diaries -The Heart About love and intimacy and it is soooo goooood -This American Life When I cleaned my room I listened to this and it is so nice and a great way to zone out and learn. It is stories relating to one topic each week. It is great.  -Stuff You Should Know One topic each week and it is funny and fun and I learn a lot -The Truth Wonderful intriguing stories galore. I LOVE THEM Podcasts are so nice and I like to listen to them as I ride my bike to and from school. They are so so nice goodness I love them. What do you love ?

Implict Tests

Hello All! I am going through a bit of a rough patch mentally maybe more later. Here are some tests that are really cool that show undercover bias. Love love.

Distracted Driving

This Saturday I had quite the experience. I made a really big mistake that I said I wouldn't make before. But I did. It was not good. So I thought I'd share my experience with the internet and tell my tale and maybe prevent a similar tale. Now I am just imagining a bunch of different animal tails....tails are weird....Anyways, this Saturday I was driving to my Therapy appointment to help me with my Pmdd. My first in a few months. I was driving by myself and I had never driven there before by myself. In November I got my license!!! YAYAYA!!! I reached my goal!!!! In my picture I have really poofy purple hair. I had google maps turned on but it wouldn't talk to me sometimes so I glanced at it to know where I was going. While I was driving. No no Hani no no. And then I went for a bit like this and it was fine. It was a rainy day on the freeway though so not the best conditions. Then my phone told me to make a right turn after I exited the freeway and I went right bac


11:11 is a wonderful time of day. I have been celebrating it ever since third grade. In third grade I was in a split 3/4 class and I would go over to the 3 class for math time. I would look at my watch so much I got it taken away because I got so distracted. I think it may have been because I was waiting for 11:11. 11:11 is so fun because maybe it looks like jumping people or ones are fun? I think onesies are fun!   Anyway it is fun to make wishes on 11:11.  Things to wish on: -Dandelions (wishes or weeds) -11:11 (time is a gift given to you) -Beautiful nature (wow) There is a cool book I read to my kids I babysit about all these different way to wish around the world.  The Book . When I make wishes I like to wish for: -world peace and love -the ability to fly -to be a fairy in my school play -if someone is sick for them to feel better What do you wish for? How do you wish?

My Lone Pimple/Hair/Makeup

Hey Y'all!! Sorry I haven't written in a bit! I have been having life! Wow! Cool ! Fun! I hope you like the new design of this blog.  I would like to talk about my face for this post because it is a cool thing.  I have a lone pimple. It is beautiful and its name is Charlie. Sometimes Charlie lights up like a christmas light and sometimes Charlie is more subtle. Anyways, here are my adventures of Charlie and my face! I love to make silly expressions and these are a few! As you can see from these pictures I have a pimple/red spot on the right side of my face. Funny Huh? I love this hair how I did it rainbow and it swirled in the back. I also enjoy swirly makeup Recently I have been experimenting with eyeliner and lipstick to make my eyes look fairy like or do cat eyes. It is fun. Sometimes I decide it isn't a makeup day and I don't wear it. I wear makeup maybe once or twice a week.  I love this picture. It is so genuine.