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Showing posts from September, 2018

Weird Things

Here is a list of Weird Things I have noticed about Berlin/Myself 1. I was able to communicate fully in German to my pizza delivery person 2. pizzas are delivered on bikes 3. I am in love again 4. I cried in a bar last night 5. I nod at bartenders 6. I am not a girl 7. I am not a boy 8. I am a me???? whatever the fuck that is 9. I am more comfortable swearing 10. I am producing a musical hopefully 11. I record things in different new ways 12. I can develop my own film 13. It is cold ! 14. I got hailed on today. In September 15. My room is a little oasis 16. I like people to come into my oasis 17. I have become more comfortable in my skin but scared at the same time???? 18. I have become super involved 19. Living off campus is the best 20. Doing grafitti makes me feel more alive 21. I care less about spelling 22. I care more about saying thank you 23. Whenever I ask new people if I can sit with them during lunch they always say yes 24. I take secret baths

Joan and the Astrolobe

This story is about early modern science and feminism. A version of an alternative history inspired by my lovely down to earth knowledge class. It was November the Seventeenth 1549. The winds were chilled and one’s ears would need to be covered by wool shorn from sheep in the English countryside. Words became manifested as fog once breathed into the world. Tiny clouds puffed away everytime ideas were exchanged. To further inspire these thoughts hot drinks were held close to the nose in order to heal and soothe the redness of the nose. Joan had prepared a salon for discussion. She had gathered all of her colleges and constitutes into a list of precise detail. Each person carefully chosen with their specialties well know. She invited a doctor, an inventor, a fisherman, an astronomer, an astrologist, and a clockmaker. Nine months prior she had had asked pillot of her finest ship to sail to India to retrieve her favorite type of tea. Pastries from Paris had be sent for a week

Podcast -night in berlin

Hello Beautiful people! It has been quite a while hasn't it? I am so proud of little me! I am finally here! In Berlin. It has been two months and I am loving it. I just bought a new quilt and vegan pizza and I am quite cozy. Good things are happening. Art is spewing out of my fingertips. Expect poetry. I am thinking of this time period as a giant sponge leaking watercolors. My energies are focused on action, planning, building relationships, and building trust with myself. So speaking of which....Here is something I have been creating! I made my own podcast and this episode is about Berlin in particular. I really enjoy how creative this city is and I cannot wait to get to know it more. Btw. I am no longer a pre pubescent girl. Nope. This blog is changing like me. I am discovering myself, my sexuality, and my world! So expect more of that kind of content.  Podcast link below pic!